Wednesday, 18 July 2012


FREAKING OUT. Ok. While my international ladies are enjoying a beautiful summer, here I am enjoying a terrible cold day. Yes, I'm jealous. I'm freaking out with all the cute summer outfits I've seen and that I can't even get as an inspiration right now and YES, I'm tired of this boring winter.
Don't get me wrong, dear winter. I kinda like you. But for now, can I ask you to leave and come back just next year?! Thank you!

FREAKING OUT. Pois é. Enquanto as gringas curtem um lindo verão, cá estou eu curtindo um frio de rachar. E, a propósito, morrendo de inveja. Ainda mais depois de ver esses looks gracinha da Chiara e não poder nem ao menos me inspirar. 
Inverno, confesso que te adoro, mas vamos combinar que já tá passando da hora de ir embora. Agradecida.


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